Appearance Standards
Thanks for your interest in joining the Holiday World team! All Team Members must meet all of our appearance standards while working a shift any day we’re open to the public. Team Members who use Holiday World Transportation must be in uniform to ride.
Below are brief descriptions of our appearance standards. For full descriptions, please see the Seasonal Handbook.

- Hair: Out of face, neat, clean, and combed – natural colors only
- Make up: Highlighting natural features
- Contacts: only natural color lenses
- Earrings: Max 2 per ear; post or mini-hoop (smaller than a dime)
- Smile: You’re not in uniform without it!

- Facial Hair: Clean-shaven or fully-grown; well-trimmed mustache, goatee, or beard
- Hat or Visor: Worn forward, if required
- Sunglasses: Any color frame and lens
- Piercings: One nose stud permitted; no other body piercings allowed (use inconspicuous transparent spacers)
- Smile: You’re not in uniform without it!

- Watch: Worn on wrist, belt loop, or kept in pocket; no smart watches or Fitbits
- Name Badge: Worn on the left side
- Shorts: Worn above the hip
- Belt: Black or brown
- Uniform Shirt: Tucked neatly into shorts; pins allowed on shirt collar.
- Fingernails: Clean & presentable; less than ½” beyond fingertip; if painted, use one solid color, glitter, or frosted polish
- Jewelry: one anklet and/or two bracelets less than ½” wide; one necklace less than ¼” wide (tucked into shirt; no chokers)
- Tennis Shoes: Clean; black, gray, white, or any combination
- Socks: Solid color; black, gray, or white; no-show, ankle, or crew

- Uniform Shirt: Clean & presentable
- Tattoos: Holifriendly designs allowed (except on face, head, or neck)
- Name Badge: Worn on left side
- Bags: Drawstring bag, lunch bag, or purse; no backpacks or duffle bags
- Watch: Worn on wrist, belt loop, or kept in pocket; no smart watches or Fitbits
- Shorts: Worn above the hip
- Rings: Small rings, not to extend past the first knuckle; keep it family-friendly
- Water Shoes: Black, gray, white, or any combination
- Toenails: Clean & presentable; if painted, use one solid color, glitter, or frosted polish
The HoliMarket has some items – such as watches, razors, uniform shirts, etc. – available for purchase should you forget part of your uniform or parts of it become damaged.
At the Park as a Guest
While off the clock and on company property, whether in the park as a Guest or in behind-the-scenes Team Member-only areas such as the HR lobby, Team Members are expected to adhere to all dress code rules that apply to Guests. These rules include but are not limited to: Clothing or body art which Holiday World determines is rude, vulgar or contains inflammatory language or graphics is not permitted. Confederate flags are prohibited, as are words and/or images considered symbols of hate such as swastikas. Team Members are expected to familiarize themselves with any rules related to Guests, which may be found at HolidayWorld.com/Rules.